Kaks venda leidsid Taanist haruldase viikingiaegse aarde

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Liitunud: 25 Apr 2011, 08:45

Kaks venda leidsid Taanist haruldase viikingiaegse aarde

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http://www.postimees.ee/1238708/kaks-ve ... gse-aarde/

Taani rahvusmuuseumi töötajad tutvustasid eile viikingiaegset aaret, mis oli maetud maha umbes 990. aastal.

Arheoloogiline väljakaevamine tõi esile 265 eset, mille seas oli 60 haruldast münti. Osal müntidel on kuningas Harald Sinihamba tunnused, vahendas Politiken.dk.

Aarde leidsid Põhja-Taanist Strandbyst asuvalt põllult vennad Michael (16) ja Peter Stokbro Larsen (21). Noorem vend käis mullu septembris põllu metalliotsijaga üle ja nii nad aarde jälile saidki.

Rahvusmuuseumi esindaja Jens Christian Moesgaard rääkis uudisteagentuurile AP, et müntidel on selgelt näha risti, mis oli Harald Sinihamba tunnuseks. Oletuste järgi viis kuningas ristiusu nii Taani kui Norrasse.

«Ühelgi teisel inimesel ei olnud nii palju hõbedat. Tegemist oli mingi suurmehega või kellegagi, kel olid head sidemed muu maailmaga. Seal on Inglise, Saksa ja Araabia münte,» jutustas Peter Stokbro Larsen Politikenile varanduse esialgse omaniku kohta.

Moesgaardi sõnul leiti viikingiaegseid münte viimati 1939. aastal. Tema hinnangul on tegemist «ühe tähtsa tükikesega ajaloo mosaiigist».

Lisaks müntidele sisaldas aare mu hulgas ka ehteid, nagu näiteks piksejumal Thori vasarat kujutav ripats.

Vendade leid on rahvusmuuseumis väljas Strandby aarde nime all.

Ostan Eesti, Tsaari-Vene ja NSVL münte, kodurahasid jne. Huvi korral raha kohe kätte! Pakkumised kas PM või eestimynt@gmail.com
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Liitunud: 25 Apr 2011, 16:28

Re: Kaks venda leidsid Taanist haruldase viikingiaegse aarde

Postitus Postitas fengarm »

Üks veidi pikem inglisekeelne artikkel ka. Nagu näha, on Bluetooth juba viikingiaegne värk :)

http://medievalhistories.com/harold-blu ... endsyssel/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Spectacular new find of a Viking hoard in Vendsyssel in the Northern Part of Denmark sheds new light on the coins of Harold Bluetooth

The coins from 10th century Denmark are often called half-bracteates as they are so thin that the stamp on the two sides easily gets mixed up. Another feature is that the content of silver as well as the general weight is low, which means that they are not often found by metal-detectors, thus eluding amateurs as wells as archaeologists.

Yesterday a spectacular find of more than 162 coins plus broken pieces of silver from the 990’es have crated a lot of excitement. Apart from German and Islamic coins the hoard consists of at least 52 so-called cross-coins. These coins were minted during the reign of Harold Bluetooth (958 – 987), who may have introduced the first nationwide coinage in Denmark. It is generally believed that the king began to mint his new coins around 975 at a time when he seems to have lost control over the main town, Haithabu, which had a well functioning mint at that time.

The iconography of the crosses are clearly Christian showing either one cross created out of four or in some cases three crosses placed on top of a triangle (Golgatha) on the reverse. The coins are believed to reflect the conversion of the king in 963 as it is witnessed on the Great Jelling Stone, according to which the king claims to have “ordered this monument made in memory of Gormr, his father, and in memory of Thyrvé, his mother; that Haraldr who won for himself all of Denmark and Norway and made the Danes Christian.” Obviously the coins were meant as part of the king’s effort to market his new religion.

However, one of the intriguing facts about the coins of Harold Blutooth is that they seem to have disappeared rather quickly after the takeover of his son, Sveyn Forkbeard. Some have hypothesised that the disappearance was due to the fact that the new king, who lead a rebellion against his father, in later sources was claimed to have turned heathen again and hence worked to call the coins in. Other scholars believe that the coins have simply left so few traces in the earth due to their fragile character.

Maybe the detailed study of the newfound coins can help to shed some light on this conundrum, since German coins date it to the 990’es, when Sveyn was busy planning his later take-over of Norway and England. Whatever the future conclusions, it is an intriguing fact that the hoard apart from the coins also contained a silver Thorshammer, a miniature replica of Mjolner, the famous axe belonging to the God Thor.

According to the archaeologist-in-charge, Sidsel Wåhlin from Vendsyssel Historical Museum, the next step – apart from studying the hoard – is going to see if it is possible to locate a nearby Viking farm, which might have been home to the very wealthy viking, who deposited the coins in the field.

Kogun vanemaid Eesti aladel käibinud münte ning Rootsi kuld- ja hõbemünte.
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Liitunud: 25 Apr 2011, 08:45

Re: Kaks venda leidsid Taanist haruldase viikingiaegse aarde

Postitus Postitas muhfff »

fengarm kirjutas:Nagu näha, on Bluetooth juba viikingiaegne värk
Offtopic, aga bluetooth standard saigi oma nime Harald Sinihamba järgi : )
Ostan Eesti, Tsaari-Vene ja NSVL münte, kodurahasid jne. Huvi korral raha kohe kätte! Pakkumised kas PM või eestimynt@gmail.com